Baby Smurf with Blocks

People say that childhood experiences can have an impact on the choices you make as an adult, so what better smurf to discuss today than Baby Smurf with Blocks first released in 1985. We first see Baby Smurf with Blocks in the 1985 Schleich catalogue. Wearing white pyjamas, sitting playing with three colourful blocks. A yellow block is raised in the right hand, a green block is in front of him and a red block is on his left hand side.

We continue to see this version of Baby with Blocks up until 1989 in the Schleich catalogues.  In 1990 Schleich decided to show us a different colour version with a blue block in front of him instead of green. However back in 1991 Schleich decided to go back to the green coloured in front and continued to use this version until 1998. 

Baby with Blocks is considered one of the last smurfs released into the USA by Applause (formerly known as Wallace Berrie) in 1985. Baby with Blocks was released as a pair with Baby with a Car. The Applause version is painted in lovely pastel colours and like all the other baby smurfs released by Applause in 1985 painted in a sky blue colour. Some of the letters and numbers on the sides of the blocks have also been painted. 

If you like to collect smurfs based on their markings the Baby with Blocks with pastel coloured blocks will have the markings – Made in Hong Kong Schleich S © 1985 Peyo under the blocks. This version is also considered the hardest to find as it was produced for such a short period. 

Baby Smurf with Blocks was also part of the Jubilee series released in 1985 by Schleich. This was to celebrate 20 years Schleich had been producing smurfs. The series consisted of 19 pieces, individually blister packed. Each Smurf chosen to represent its year of production, is stamped in gold on the back of it’s head with a design consisting of leaves, date of issue and Peyo’s signature. Also each blister pack also contained Smurfs Jubilee postage type stamps. The Jubilee Baby with Blocks can be found with both green and blue blocks. 

Don’t be alarmed if you come across a Baby with Blocks that appears to be made out of an odd white/yellow pvc material. When I first received this one, I thought it’s previous owner used to be a smoker due to the colour of the smurf. Later I found out this was actually how it was made. I have one that has a blue block in front with the markings W.Germany Schleich S © 1984 Peyo.

The other cute thing about Baby with Blocks is the colour of the buttons on it’s pyjamas back flap. Typically if it has a green block in front, the buttons on the back will be yellow and if you have a blue block in front, the buttons on the back will be red. Little things amuse small minds!

Keep on Smurfin

Kath B

Magician – Conjuror – Zauberer Smurf

The hat trick is a classic magic trick where a performer will produce an object (traditionally a rabbit or bouquet of flowers) out of an apparently empty top hat.  The Magician smurf was first produced by Bully in 1979 performing a magic trick with his grey top hat and scarf. Wearing a red cape with a yellow scarf in his left hand and a light green scarf protruding from his grey top hat. 

This variation of the Magician is seen in the Schleich catalogues from 1980 to 1985 and then magically in 1986 it has a black top hat with a a dark green scarf protruding from it. It then reappears with a black top hat in the Schleich catalogues in 1991 to 1994 and again in 1998 & 1999. So only the Bully marked Magician can be found with a grey top hat. 

In the USA, Wallace Berrie sold the Magician with the black top hat only for two years, 1982 to 1984. When it was first sold it had the markings Made in Hong Kong Schleich S © 1979 Peyo under the feet. Later they added W. Berrie Co to the markings. 

I have always thought that they must have produced huge number of these Magician smurfs with W. Berrie Co markings as later on they added a CE hand etched marking to them and sold them throughout Europe. 

However my favourite Magician is a fake not based on the regular smurf. It is fake Magician smurf wearing a red suit with a black bow tie. Under his red jacket his well padded stomach can be seen, hidden by his white shirt. In his right hand he holds out a grey rabbit by it’s ears and in his left hand he holds out his black top hat. I have no idea of the origin of this fake smurf but he is definitely one of my favourite ‘fake’ smurfs. What’s not to like about a slightly overweight smurf performing a magic hat trick. 

Keep on Smurfin

Kath B



Hairdresser Smurf

I only have 20 minutes until I have to meet up wth a friend for breakfast who is currently at their hairdresser getting some amazing outlandish new look. So what better smurf to discuss today than Hairdresser Smurf first released by Bully in 1979.

What makes Hairdresser stand out in the crowd, is it’s large red comb in his right hand (which is more than half the size of the smurf) and his silver scissors held high in his left hand, while wearing his customary white trousers and hat.

When Schleich started producing Hairdresser in 1980 it started to include a black dot on the join of the scissors. Because Schleich could not remove the Bully markings until 1984 it is possible to find Bully marked smurfs with this black paint dot.

When Hairdresser was first produced out of Hong Kong, they encounted a greater challenge with the mould and hence the comb’s teeth are in a zigzag pattern. It is possible that they connected the comb in two pieces. This was later changed to appear more like the German mould where the comb has a slight curve to it and the mould is less thick.

The Hong Kong made Hairdresser was sold by BP New Zealand and also the USA by Wallace Berrie between 1981 to 1984. I am not sure if it was ever sold by BP Australia as I have never seen in any old brochures or posters. But there is a good chance it was!

Schleich sold Hairdresser right up until 1991, though I don’t was ever sold with a CE marking. More likely a CE sticker was used or a hand etched marking was added to the mould. It is also appears there were very little changes were made over the 12 years Schleich sold this smurf.

Due to the popularity and the demand for smurfs in the early 1980’s many fakes were also produced. I have a fake from Spain that has a ‘Made in Spain’ added to the bottom of the feet. There is also a Spanish fake that has black scissors!

At breakfast after my friend showed off his new hairstyle and tried to tell me how gorgeous he now looks, I decided to show him Hairdresser smurf. My friend doesn’t collect anything and is always amazed how I can bring smurfs into any conversation. At least talking about smurfs is far more cheerful than what is currently showing on the daily news.

Keep on Smurfin

Kath B

Rocking Horse Super Smurf

Like a lot of Super Smurfs produced by Schleich, the picture of the Rocking Horse, #40221 on the older boxes is a little different to the actual one released. Don’t let this discourage you from collecting this one, as this is a beautiful display piece where you can rock it gently back and forth.

This box was used by Wallace Berrie

The Rocking Horse Super Smurf was sold by Schleich between 1982 through to 1997. Between 1982 to 1995 Schleich used the same picture on their boxes showing us a picture of the Rocking Horse with a rubber-band bridle and brown rockers. It wasn’t until 1995 when Schleich updated their Super Smurf boxes that they updated their pictures.

During the years Schleich sold Rocking Horse, very little changes were made. The changes to be found are more to do with the paint colours used on the horse. The markings can be found under the horse’s belly. So it can be found with W.Germany or Germany as the country marking.

There are at least two different ones from Hong Kong. The markings can be found under the horse’s belly. In the beginning they used a rubber-band as the bridle and glued this to the horse. Later they removed the rubber-band bridle and replaced this with a yellow plastic bridle that is inserted into the horse’s mouth. Possibly copying the one produced by Schleich. Wallace Berrie only sold Rocking Horse between 1982 to 1984.

Made in Hong Kong Schleich S © 1981 Peyo markings

The biggest differences that can be found with Rocking Horse the colour of the horse and it’s tail. The same paint colour was also used for the horse’s hooves and mane. Typically the Hong Kong made one is painted with brown shiny colours and the tail is a darker brown colour. Smaller variances can also be found with the yellow plastic bridle.

However, the major difference can be found with how the smurf sits on the rocking horse. The German made ones have a stuck plug on the horse and the smurf has a hole underneath it’s bottom. The Hong Kong made ones never came with stuck plug. So if you have German made horse and Hong Kong made smurf and you are trying to ensemble together you might encounter some problems!

There are a number of Super Smurfs that the picture displayed on their box doesn’t resemble the actual one released, so if you are ever in doubt just ask the question and I will be happy to help.

Keep on Smurfin

Kath B