Some say Baby Smurf is very cute others are more critical calling it basic. However, if you like your Baby Smurfs there is a good chance you will like this one. Wearing white pyjamas, with one hand covering it’s mouth and the other holding a yellow rattle.
I understand that not everyone is a fan of the newer Smurfs. Whether it be due to the quality or nostalgic reasons but we must remember Smurfs are for children to play with. I recall when I was a child I would make up stories centred around my Smurfs. No doubt, this hasn’t changed. Whether it be a new addition of a baby to a family or friends everyone can identify with a baby.
However, if I was to compare this Baby Smurf with Baby White #20179 I would prefer Baby White. I like Baby White’s pyjamas with the two yellow buttons on the back flap and the red rattle. But also like Baby White’s crawling position, which could allow more imaginative stories. While Baby Smurf looks guilty with it’s hand over it’s mouth the sitting position it lacks creativeness.
That said, Schleich has the opportunity to expand on Baby Smurf by adding different coloured rattles or poses. For example I would like to see a Baby Smurf crying or with food all over it’s face.
I noticed in the online Schleich catalogue for Canada and the United States that Baby Smurf is not available in Canada. Can any of the Canadian collectors shed any light on this?
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this revisit of Baby Smurf #20830. Back in 2021 I also wrote about the 2021 Smurfs.
Keep on Smurfin
Kath B