Smurf Review: #20722 Workaholic Smurf

Variations on Smurfs from the last 20 years are so hard to find. But today I would like to share one of my favourites, first released back  in 2003, Workaholic Smurf. Floating on a yellow rubber tube, while typing away on his laptop and sipping his drink through a bendy straw. It’s fair to say a lot of people identify themselves with Workaholic Smurf.

There are two variations of Workaholic Smurf. Depending on who you ask, some believe the first version had light grey font on laptop screen, dark orange straw, dull lighter brown rope and unpainted mouth. Then this was later changed to black font on the laptop screen, light orange straw, dull darker brown rope and a black smile.

In my opinion this is a variation because there are several small paint differences between the two. I have also seen this variation on other collector’s websites and discussed on the Blue Cavern forum. Others believe it is not a variation at all but a paint error. Then this opens up another can of worms; what is the difference between a variation and a paint error.

Perhaps this Workaholic Smurf has his screen saver on his screen!

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

I am going to give this variation of Workaholic Smurf with the light grey font on laptop a score of 4 Papa Smurfs. Ultra Rare – requires skill to have this one.

Rarity Guide
  1. Not really rare, but still worth collecting
  2. Rare – not too difficult to find
  3. Extremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
  4. Ultra Rare – requires skill to have this one
  5. Very Rare – a legendary Smurf

What is your favourite variation Smurf from the last 20 years?

Regular Smurf Review: #20814 Papa Smurf

In 2019 Schleich released the Classic Smurfs. Four Smurfs that had been previously part of The Lost Village sets and four new Smurfs, which included Papa Smurf. Every classic themed series by Schleich has always included Papa Smurf. Totally understandable, but perhaps Schleich could have been more imaginative with this Papa Smurf.

Standing with hands on hips, wearing his customary red trousers and hat. Papa Smurf has a thick, bushy white beard and a red mouth. His eyes are joined together and his white eyebrows sit below his hat. Lastly this Papa Smurf has a red tail. Like many of the Smurfs from 2019, he has a big head with big ears and a small body. Similar to other Smurfs made out of China, the pvc material is very hard.

Though this version of Papa Smurf is not groundbreaking, most people will recognise him and know who it is. I just wish Schleich could portray Papa Smurf more in a fun way. For example he could be looking through a telescope or at least having a more expressive face. 

Without knowing I have two Papa Smurfs from 2019. Both are pretty much the same, so I don’t think there are any variations to be found. Not really sure, why I even have two, but I have kept one with the Schleich tag attached.

Final Thoughts

Would I recommend this Papa Smurf to other collectors? Yes, especially if they are keen to collect all the regular Smurfs or if you are new to collecting. But if you grew up in the 1980s your nostalgia radar will be ringing out loud. Especially if you are comparing it with #20164 Papa Smurf with Potions or #20174 Papa Smurf with a book. Let’s face the facts it’s just not like the good old days. 

I am going to give this a score of 1 – Not really rare, but still worth collecting.

Keep on Smurfin

What is your favourite Papa Smurf produced by Schleich?

Rarity Guide
  1. Not really rare, but still worth collecting
  2. Rare – not too difficult to find
  3. Extremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
  4. Ultra Rare – requires skill to have this one
  5. Very Rare – a legendary Smurf

Smurf Collector Question: #20003 Astro Smurf

Yesterday, I decided to sort through my incomplete Smurfs and I found this Astro Smurf. If you like to collect Smurfs based on their different markings, this is a question for you.

The markings are: Hong Kong under the one foot and Schleich S Peyo 1969 under the other foot. It also has Hong Kong on the back of the arm.

Mine, never had a space helmet but most likely it had one.

I have never seen this Astro Smurf on any websites or books. Like many Smurfs it is a bit of a mystery, that requires solving.

Does anyone know anything about this Astro Smurf with a red zipper? Please add any information in the Comments field.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Smurf Review: #20159 Violin Smurf

There is a lot to love about Violin Smurf, but not all are the same. As regular readers will know, I like to collect Smurfs with different markings. With different markings comes different variations.

I first learnt about Violin Smurf by reading about it in the SCCI newsletters. In the beginning and still today, I find the SCCI newsletters invaluable. Within the newsletters, I like to read about the variations, for Violin Smurf there were two. There are some collectors, who have noted at least six variants of Violin Smurf.

Most collectors, list the different shades of brown paint used for the cowboy hat. From light tan to dark brown and anything in between. Others mention the different coloured plastic bows. Again anything from an orangey brown to a dark brown bow.

Today when I started writing about Violin Smurf, I discovered something new about Violin Smurf that is never mentioned on the websites. With the Schleich version the thumb is completely around the bow, holding into place. Where as the Wallace Berrie version the hand is only partially around the bow. Also only the Schleich version is the bow is glued to the violin.

In summing up, would I buy one Violin Smurf that has a variance with the bow? Probably not. Though I did like finding a difference between the Violin Smurfs that others have not mentioned. 

Final Thoughts

I am going to give Violin Smurf a score of 2 Rare – not too difficult to find

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

What do you think of Violin Smurf?

Rarity Guide
  1. Not really rare, but still worth collecting
  2. Rare – not too difficult to find
  3. Extremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
  4. Ultra Rare – requires skill to have this one
  5. Very Rare – a legendary Smurf