#20104 Pirate Smurf

Did you know there are two paint variants of Pirate Smurf? First sold in 1979 by Bully and last sold in 2005 by Schleich.

The most obvious difference with the Pirate Smurf is with the belt. The yellow belt with a black buckle has only Bully markings. The red belt with a black buckle with Schleich markings.

Back around 1981 BP Australia only sold the Pirate Smurf wearing a red belt with a black buckle. Like Wallace Berrie did in the United States. Possible to find both with Schleich and W. Berrie markings.

However, the Pirate Smurf with a yellow belt also has an unpainted skull on his white hat. This appears to be intentional. Whereas the Pirate Smurf with a red belt, always his skull painted black.

Little Things

Like many Smurfs produced over time, slight variations are possible. In my opinion, there are two different things that can make this happen. 

Changes to the mould, resulting in different thickness of the sword. Some swords may also have more of a curve than others. It is impossible to know if this was intentional or something to do with the cooling process of the mould. 

Or paint specifications at manufacturing. Resulting in different tones of red for the belt or yellow for the hand protection shield. Then there is also paint shading which can vary due to age. For example UV rays can cause fading of darker colours.

Lastly, remember Smurfs don’t tan and wear sunscreen in the sun. If you want to enjoy the most of your Smurfs don’t place them near a window. NO SUNLIGHT!

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Rarity Guide

For Pirate Smurf with a red belt, I am going to give this 2 Papa Smurfs.

For Pirate Smurf a yellow belt, I am going to give this 3 Papa Smurfs.
1 Papa SmurfNot really rare but still worth collecting
2 Papa SmurfsRare – but not too difficult to find
3 Papa SmurfsExtremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
4 Papa SmurfsUltra Rare – requires skill to collect
5 Papa SmurfsVery Rare – a legendary Smurf

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Review: #20140 Secretary Smurfette

Is there such a thing of a Secretary Smurfette with a green pencil? Or a Secretary Smurfette wearing a pink dress with flat white shoes and a dark brown pencil? Are they fakes or prototypes? I ask this because I saw the one with the green pencil in the Der Schlumpf Katalog IV. Along with the one wearing a pink dress with flat white shoes in the 1982 Schleich catalogue.

Firstly, I should confirm that I am no expert when it comes to variations. I am constantly discovering new things, like I did recently with Secretary Smurfette.

Secretary Smurfette is wearing a pink or white dress and white high heeled shoes. Holding a pencil up to her lips and a notepad in the other hand. Typically the version with the white dress has black scribble on the notepad. But someone told me, silver or black scribble is also possible.

However, I have only discovered the one wearing a pink dress, can have different notepads. Mostly the notepads are blank, though some have black or silver scribble on it. Then there are variations of the pencils. From dark brown to orange to light brown.

In summing up, there are so many variations that can be found with the one Smurf. Secretary Smurfette is just one example. Then there is the markings and paint dots for another day.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B