in Smurf Thoughts

For all the things I enjoy about Smurf collecting……..

For all the things I enjoy about Smurf collecting…….. Is that every Smurf is different because of their hand painted touches, that makes each one unique. Especially with the older Smurfs and their eyes. A simple and small touch of difference.

Now it’s your turn, to share what you enjoy about Smurf collecting 

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  1. i really love discovering new figures in general, different sculpts and variants, or unique tiny details on each figure.

    also wow, can i just say that this blog is wonderful? too notch stuff!

  2. I love how ever type of real life is represented in a Smurf! For everything from a Postman or a Papa to a Frankinstein they are all there

    • Hi Helen, that is so true. Even the Smurfs from 2023 do these. For example Vanity Smurf, where some were referring it to Karl Lagerfeld, the German fashion designer. LOL!