in Smurf Figures

Santa Smurf

Once again it’s Christmas, and I thought it would be interesting to share some interesting information about Santa, Schleich Ref# 20124, first released back in 1981. 

Back in 1981 both Schleich and Wallace Berrie released their own variations of Santa. It appears the same mould may have been used, but slight paint variations were made. The main differences were with the blue paint, the red paint, bag shades vary and doll face shades can also vary. The horn is the biggest difference; Schleich has a yellow horn and Wallace Berrie has a white horn.

In the same year, BP Australia started selling six different Greeting Smurfs (sockel/pedestal) which included Santa Smurf. Back in 1981, BP Australia were selling normal smurfs for 99 cents, Super Smurfs $1.75, Playsets $3.99 and Greeting Smurfs $1.99. 

Santa Smurf was produced  as a regular smurf by Schleich from 1981 to 1986 then again from 1990 to 1999. During this time many different sockels/pedestals were produced which included Santa Smurf.

Santa Smurf was also made in Hong Kong back in 1981 for both the Australian and USA markets. So its possible to find Santa with just Made in Hong Kong markings. Later on when Hong Kong was just making smurfs for Wallace Berrie around 1982/83 they included W.Berrie Co to the Hong Kong markings. 

When Wallace Berrie first released Santa Smurf, they sold it with Santa Smurfette (Schleich Ref# 20153) as a pair. 

After 1983 Wallace Berrie replaced Santa Smurf and Santa Smurfette with two new Christmas themed smurfs; Christmas Smurf (Schleich Ref# 20207) and Christmas Smurfette (Schleich Ref# 20208)

Schleich also sold Santa Smurf and Santa Smurfette as a pair in 1983. The pair was given the reference number 20833 by Schleich and was sold in its own special display box. By 1984 the pair had grown to four and now also included Christmas Smurf and Christmas Smurfette. By 1985 the four Christmas themed smurfs grew to six and now also included Christmas Smurfette (Schleich Ref# 20200) and Christmas with Lantern (Schleich Ref# 20201).

The Christmas Smurfs were also sold as a six in 1986 and then rested until 1990 when they re-released by Schleich. 

Seasons Greetings to you all!

Keep Smurfin

Kath B