in Smurf Figures

Smurf Review: #20091 Skier Smurf

Skier Smurf is holding onto two short ski poles, one in each hand, while wearing a pair of red skis. First sold by Bully in 1977. Back then Smurfs always wore their white trousers and hat. On this occasion Skier Smurf also wore a yellow scarf.

Back in 1977 it was unusual for a Smurf to have plastic add on like skis. Where the Smurf was held onto the skis by two clips on each foot. This was before Super Smurfs existed. The other odd thing was that the markings were on the skis not the figurine. Some say that Bully first made the Skier Smurf with rubber skis. In my opinion this more than likely a prototype because it is extremely rare. I have only seen photographs.

Due to the popularity of Skier Smurf, Schleich continued to sell Skier Smurf until 1990. Though between 1980 to 1984 it had the Bully markings. Check the front for the Bully marking and W.Germany Peyo at the back of the skis. I also find these tend to have thinner ski poles.

Wallace Berrie

At some stage, Wallace Berrie produced their version of the Skier Smurf. Like many of the Smurfs painted in Hong Kong, dark shiny paint colours were used. For example the yellow scarf and the red round disc located at the bottom of the ski poles. The markings are under the skis, not the figurine.

If anyone has information on this version of Skier Smurf, please let me know.

Between 1992 to 1994 Schleich made a new version of Skier Smurf. With thicker ski poles and the Schleich CE markings below the Smurf’s tail. W.Germany Peyo markings are on both sides of the skis.

In summing up, I would like to see more Smurfs made like Skier Smurf. Any Smurf that portrays a sport is a good thing. The last thing, we want is a gaming Smurf.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Rarity Guide

For Skier Smurf – I am going to give this 2 Papa Smurfs. Rare – but not too difficult to find.
1 Papa SmurfNot really rare but still worth collecting
2 Papa SmurfsRare – but not too difficult to find
3 Papa SmurfsExtremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
4 Papa SmurfsUltra Rare – requires skill to collect
5 Papa SmurfsVery Rare – a legendary Smurf

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