in Smurf Figures

Smurf Review: #20431 Monk Smurf

The Monk Smurf is wearing a brown long hooded robe with wide sleeves. Held by a white cord tied around his waist. On his feet are a pair of brown sandals. One could say he is contemplating.

Schleich sold Monk Smurf between 1995 to 2000. You will find the markings underneath his feet. Just the one set of markings. Germany Schleich S 94 Peyo CE. Also sometimes with a black paint dot.

Like a lot of Smurfs sold in the 1990’s each one shows creativity. Each one is portrayed like no other, which makes them unique. Unlike Vanity Smurf for example. If you’re looking for Smurfs, these are worth serious consideration. Some may seem pricey but these Smurfs are less common, especially in Australia.  I have also found these are less played with by children. Typically only collectors will go after these ones.

Perhaps the thing I like the most is the Monk’s Smurf facial expression. A smile along with his eyes glancing to one side. Some say, looking sideways can demonstrate doubt. But I will let you decide on that.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Rarity Guide

For Monk Smurf – I am going to give this 4 Papa Smurfs. Ultra Rare – requires skill to collect.
1 Papa SmurfNot really rare but still worth collecting
2 Papa SmurfsRare – but not too difficult to find
3 Papa SmurfsExtremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
4 Papa SmurfsUltra Rare – requires skill to collect
5 Papa SmurfsVery Rare – a legendary Smurf

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