in Smurf Figures

Smurf Review #51909 Smurfette Singing Christmas Carols

Just like that, Christmas 2024 is upon us. Over the years Schleich has released many different Christmas themed Smurfs. Today I wanted to discuss Smurfette Singing Christmas Carols. Back in 1982 Schleich released twelve Christmas themed Smurfs. Including Smurfette Singing Christmas Carols also known as Carolling Smurfette.

Smurfette is singing Christmas carols from a yellow song sheet. Smurfette holds sheet music in one hand and a burning candle in the other. Wearing a light green jumper with red trim, a white skirt and red socks.

Most Christmas themed Smurfs have a gold cord attached to their head via an eyelet. I am guessing this is to hang it onto a Christmas tree as a decoration. But not all Christmas themed Smurfs have a gold cord. Some of mine, have a small hole on the top of head where an eyelet once was. In my opinion, it doesn’t detract from the Smurf at all.

Smurf collectors will be delighted to know that there is also a Smurf Singing Christmas Carols. Both are similar as they each are holding a yellow song sheet and a candle. Though I prefer Smurfette, as the Smurf looks like is yawning with his mouth wide open and closed eyes.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

If you are needing inspiration this Christmas, have a look at this

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