Is it just me who gets excited when they find a Smurf with an unpainted tail? This weekend, I was lucky enough to find a Lover Smurf #20044 with unpainted tail. But this is just one of the many things that makes Lover Smurf worth collecting.

Lover was sold by Schleich between 1979 to 1992. Holding out a bunch of red flowers out to the side while looking bashful. A punched out heart can be seen on his chest. Some of the early releases were evan produced without eyebrows.
Between 1980 to 1984 Lover was also made out of Hong Kong. I have not been able to confirm if Lover Smurf was sold as a regular Smurf by BP or not. We do know that it was used on an orange triangle pedestal with the words – I Love You. However it was sold by Wallace Berrie to the USA as in the brochures it was referred to as Holding Flowers.
For whatever reason, Lover Smurf was never sold by National Benzole in the early 1980’s. Not sure why this was.
Due to the popularity of Lover Smurf it was used on many different triangle pedestals, music boxes and podium & cards made by Schleich right through its production.
It is also possible to find Lover Smurf with a painted red heart. In my opinion I don’t think it was ever produced like this by Schleich. But in saying this, there are some very nice fake ones to be found. The most sought after ones are from Spain because of the beautiful paint work. On some of these they have painted the flowers yellow instead of red.
Looking for a Christmas present for someone who adores their Smurfs, Lover Smurf could be just the thing. Hey, who knows you might be lucky like me and find one with unpainted tail.
Keep on Smurfin
Kath B