in Smurfs

OMO mini blue figurines

With Smurf collecting, there are many unanswered questions. Everything from article numbers that never saw the light of a day to promotional Smurfs. One that has always intrigued me is the sixteen OMO blue Smurfs. Eachone has the markings © Peyo 1983 and is approximately 3cm high.

For those who don’t know, OMO is a global company that produres washing powder.

There has always been a mystery on how OMO gave away these mini blue Smurfs. One theory is that in 1984 OMO produced these little blue Smurfs that came free inside a box of washing powder. Similar to how Kinder Surprise manage their promotional toys. Others doubted this due to safety concerns. But one must remember this promotion was back in the 1980s.

In the Smurf Collector’s Club newsletter, edition 1 published in 1986 in the For Sale section, someone has listed all sixteen mini blue Smurfs in an attractive container. Is it possible that potentially OMO sold the mini blue Smurfs as a complete set and not individually? If someone knows about how OMO sold the mini blue Smurfs, please let me know.

Within my Smurf collection, I have all sixteen of the mini blue Smurfs. The previous owner did not elaborate on how they had obtained them. Another mystery is unsolved.

List of mini blue Smurfs
  • Guitarist
  • Teacher
  • Footballer
  • Pointing
  • Mallet
  • Papa Captain
  • Oboist
  • Telephone
  • Hiker
  • Rollerskater Smurfette
  • Mermaid Smurfette
  • Tennis Player
  • Policeman
  • Postman
  • Courting
  • Secretary
Different take on the mini smurfs

During last year I was able to purchase some repainted OMO mini Smurfs. I adore these Smurfs as not only is the paintwork of a high standard but also because they mimic the Schleich variations. For example, Mermaid Smurfette with a green tail and the Policeman with a black jacket, white trousers and a brown baton.

Lastly did not know the markings can be found on different parts of the mini blue Smurf. For instance the Oboist can be found with the markings on his head or trousers. Which makes me think that they made more than one set of these Smurfs. What do you think?

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

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