2023 First Pictures and Names of Smurfs by Schleich

After weeks of anticipation, we finally have pictures and names of the 2023 Schleich Smurfs.

Here’s the list of the official Schleich names and article numbers:

#20839 Dimwitty Smurf
#20840 Scaredy Smurf
#20841 Wild Smurf
#20842 Vanity Smurf
#20843 Keep on Smurfin Smurf
#20844 Take Care of Earth Smurf

My thoughts of the 2023 Smurfs

Already there is buzz around the release of the new Smurfs. Some like that they have interesting poses and are not just standing holding a random item. Others like them as they are expressing real emotions. 

But some have questioned why we really need another Smurf holding a sign. We already have two other Smurfs holding a sign. #20823 Smurf with a I love you sign from 2020 and #20829 Smurf with a Good Luck sign from 2021. Did we really need another one? Possibly not.

However, the one that caught my eye was #20841 Wild Smurf because it looked very familiar to one made by Sbabam in 2016. Sbabam is a toy company from Italy.

This isn’t the first time Schleich has released a Smurf that looked like one made by another toy company. For example #20815 Greedy Smurf looked like the Cook made by Plastoy in 2016. Plastoy is a toy company from France.

Once again we have another Vanity Smurf but this one is like no other. I am not sure about this one as yet. 

The one that has created the most talk, is Take Care of Earth Smurf. One could say it’s about time we have a Smurf cuddling the globe. Or is it a way subtle message about the importance of climate change.

And that’s it for my short review of the 2023 Schleich Smurfs. It’s a really great line up and I especially like Wild Smurf.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

What do you think of the 2023 Schleich Smurfs? Which Smurf from this lot is your favourite?

First Talk of 2023 Smurfs by Schleich

This week Joe Forkner on Facebook gave us details of the 2023 Schleich Smurfs. There’s not much known at this stage, other than there will be six new Smurfs.

#20839 Idiot Smurf
#20840 Cowardly Smurf
#20841 Wild Smurf
#20843 Smurfin Panel

It’s unclear if these are the official names or not. We also have no photos, just Smurfs hidden under a sheet or any other details of the other two. Most likely these won’t be released until July or August. But once more details are clearer, I will let know.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B