Smurf Review: #20143 CB Smurf

What’s the difference with CB Smurf? The Smurf might be the same, but the differences are with the radio, speaker microphone, headphones and aerial.

Firstly a CB Radio is a short distance communication system. Though it has lost its popularity in the 21st century. CB stands for Citizen Band Radio.

Back in 1982 Schleich sold CB Smurf with a black radio with a long silver detachable aerial. The headphones and speaker microphone was also black. The speaker microphone has silver buttons and a cable linking back to the radio. There was no such thing as Bluetooth technology or WIFI back in 1982.

In 1983 Wallace Berrie sold their version of CB Radio. Silver radio with an attached black aerial. The headphones are silver and the speaker microphone is dark brown. The cable linking back to the radio is also silver. Only sold for a couple of years.

Around 1984 Schleich made changes to the aerial. Gone was the long silver aerial to a short thin, silver one with a tip on the end added to the mould. Later the tip on the aerial was removed.

By the early 1990’s the short silver aerial was thicker in size. But apart from that not too much had changed.

Like many Smurfs produced in 1980’s, this one has aged due to the advancements in the world. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not popular. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Whether it is nostalgic or newbie collectors, CB Smurf is becoming harder to find.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B