Super Smurf Review: #40223 Volleyball Smurf

Looking for a Super Smurf to add to your collection? How about #40223 Volleyball Smurf? Wearing red shorts and a white singlet while spiking the white volleyball over the yellow net. On the end of the brown shoe there is a peg that slots into the base. The peg is thick that prevents it falling over. Not like the Basketball Super Smurf.

Volleyball Smurf was first sold by Wallace Berrie in 1982. It wasn’t until 1986 Schleich showed Volleyball Smurf in their catalogue. Same mould but slightly different paint colours used for the Smurf. Then there was a break of six years before Schleich released it again.

There were two different Super Smurf!! boxes by Wallace Berrie. The first box had Volleyball Smurf with a maroon ball. I don’t think this actually it exists. Maybe it was a prototype! I have only seen Volleyball Super Smurf with a white ball.

Production Years:

Wallace Berrie – 1982 to 1984
Schleich – 1986
Schleich with CE – 1992 & 1993/1996

Most Volleyball Super Smurfs found today, come with the Smurf head logo with dancing smurfs pattern box. These ones should have a CE marked Smurf not one with Hong Kong markings.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Rarity Guide

In my opinion, I am going to give Volleyball Super Smurf a score of 2 Papa Smurfs. Rare – but not too difficult to find.
1 Papa SmurfNot really rare but still worth collecting
2 Papa SmurfsRare – but not too difficult to find
3 Papa SmurfsExtremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
4 Papa SmurfsUltra Rare – requires skill to collect
5 Papa SmurfsVery Rare – a legendary Smurf

Super Smurf Review: #40248 Stork with Baby Smurf

Today I am reviewing Stork with Baby Smurf, first seen in the 1986 Schleich catalogue. Never sold by Wallace Berrie or Applause. In 1985 a Farmhouse included a Stork with Baby Smurf. Good chance Schleich used the same one for the Super Smurf and Farmhouse.

The stork stands high in a nest, with a baby Smurf wrapped in a yellow blanket in its beak. The Super Smurf comes in two parts, the stork and the nest. The stork’s legs are inserted into the centre of the nest. The nest is painted a yellowish brown colour. Very simple and very cute.

There are two marking and three box variations.

  • W.Germany Schleich S 85 Peyo on nest. No markings on stork
  • W.Germany Schleich S 85 Peyo CE on nest. Small CE on stork
  • Front: Super Schlumpf Smurf !! Back: Schtroumpfs A Schtroumpfs
  • Front: Super Schlumpf Smurf !! Back: Schtroumpfs A Schtroumpfs. Side: CE sticker
  • Smurf head logo with dancing Smurfs pattern.

In 1996 Schleich sold a new Farmhouse that included a Stork with Baby Smurf. Painted in darker brown colours. However, the Stork with Baby Smurf was not sold as a Super Smurf. I write this as a gentle warning to collectors.

If you like your comics, The Baby Smurf is worth a read. First published in 1984 by Dupuis in French. More recently Papercutz published a version in 2013.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Rarity Guide

In my opinion, I am going to give Stork with Baby Smurf a score of 3 Papa Smurfs. Extremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one.
1 Papa SmurfNot really rare but still worth collecting
2 Papa SmurfsRare – but not too difficult to find
3 Papa SmurfsExtremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
4 Papa SmurfsUltra Rare – requires skill to collect
5 Papa SmurfsVery Rare – a legendary Smurf

For all the things I enjoy about Smurf collecting……..

For all the things I enjoy about Smurf collecting…….. Is that every Smurf is different because of their hand painted touches, that makes each one unique. Especially with the older Smurfs and their eyes. A simple and small touch of difference.

Now it’s your turn, to share what you enjoy about Smurf collecting 

Super Smurf Review: #40228 Papa Smurf in Rocking Chair

Can you believe March is almost over? Today, we are reviewing #40228 Papa Smurf in Rocking Chair. Papa Smurf is relaxing in his rocking chair, while smoking his pipe. (Not vaping) First released by Schleich and Wallace Berrie in 1983. 

Super Smurfs are unique, as both Schleich and Wallace Berrie created their own versions. For example Papa Smurf’s Rocking Chair made by Schleich has no markings on the chair. Whereas, Wallace Berrie added a marking underneath the chair. Both Papa Smurfs were made using PVC but used different colours, blue by Schleich and white by Wallace Berrie.

Papa Smurf in Rocking Chair

You can always check the tips of a Smurf’s fingers or nose to see the pvc colour. Using zoom to enlarge a picture can also help. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than having a mixed up Super Smurf. Where someone has combined two different components from two countries to make a Super Smurf. Not a big deal for some collectors but for others it may feel like they have been duped.

1996 was a big year for Papa Smurf in Rocking Chair. Firstly, Irwin Toys released six Super Smurfs on blister cards instead of boxes.

Also Quick a fast food restaurant from Belgium released six Super Smurfs. Each figurine has the Quick logo embossed onto their hat. These Super Smurfs did not come in boxes but plastic bags with their meal boxes.

These Quick Super Smurfs are the same exact ones being featured by Irwin Toys. Except for #40235 Bath Tub came with a uniquely different Smurfette figurine, taking a bath and sitting in a tub, with soap suds in her hand. The Smurfette figurine used was #20448 Smurf Bathing, sold in 1997.

Final Thoughts

In summing up I like Papa Smurf in Rocking Chair because it’s a simple and an easy Super Smurf to ensemble. But I do not know if parents in 2023 want their children to have a Papa Smurf smoking a pipe.

I am going to give Papa Smurf in Rocking Chair a score of 2 Rare – not too difficult to find.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

What do you think of Super Smurfs? Let me know of your favourite Super Smurf!

Rarity Guide
  1. Not really rare, but still worth collecting
  2. Rare – not too difficult to find
  3. Extremely Rare – you’re lucky if you have this one
  4. Ultra Rare – requires skill to have this one
  5. Very Rare – a legendary Smurf

This Smurf is on fire

It’s amazing how many times you can look at something but you don’t really see it. In the 1981 Schleich catalogue shows the Fireman Super Smurf #40216. We are all familour with this Smurf with a water drum and hose. But if look closer you will notice that the hose is coiled around a wooden spool. Just like the ones, that were on the back of fire engines. The fireman’s helmet is also a shiny silver colour and the hose looks more brass. Must be one of those rare prototypes that Schleich made just for their catalogues!

Sold from 1981 to 1988 and 1992 to 1994 Schleich sold the Fireman. Wearing a grey dove helmet, black jacket and brown shoes. The Smurf is holding a black hose connected to a water drum. Some say there are at least six variations of the water drum. Not sure if I would buy a Fireman because it had a different water drum compared to the others I already had. From the outside the drums look all the same except for the markings inside.

Another Fireman discovery

When Wallace Berrie sold the Fireman they included assembly instructions. If it wasn’t for Maureen’s site Hidden in the Woods, I would have not known this.

The Hong Kong variant has the Fireman wearing a red helmet, yellow jacket and black trousers. The Smurf is holding a black hose connected to a water drum. There was never box that shows the Hong Kong variant just the Schleich version. This was quite common for Super Smurfs sold in the early 1980s. Wallace Berrie sold the Fireman from 1982 to 1984.

Both Fireman Super Smurfs are a worthy addition to any collection. The fact that the water hose can squirt out water is another reason to add this to your collection.

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Lucky Smurf on holidays

Today in Melbourne, the weather forecast is mostly sunny with a tempearture 31 centigrade degrees. So what better Smurf to talk about than Smurf on Holidays.

First released in 2001 by Schleich and sold right through to the end of 2015. Sunbathing on a yellow towel, under a plam tree, Smurf on Holidays #40261 can be found. Wearing red budgie smugglers (bathers) with a small , white ‘S’ on the front, with arms resting behind his head. The Smurf is also wearing blue wrap around sunglasses and is sporting a huge smile of satisfaction.

When looking to add Smurf on Holidays to your collection, ideally you want to get one with it’s corresponding box. In order to fit everything into the box, the palm tree comes in three parts. Don’t let this put you off, as it is easy to put together. It should also come with a yellow towel and not red. The red towel was included in the Super Smurf – Smurfette on Holidays.

During the time, Smurf on Holidays was produced there were very little changes made. But if you are looking, you can find Smurf on Holidays with shiny dark blue skin or matte, lighter blue skin.

It was also produced with two different markings. Only the figurine and the sand base have markings. The towel has no markings just a circle pattern on the back.

First version markings – 2001 to 2008

Smurf markings: Made in China Schleich S Germany © 2000 Peyo CE markings, with a blue paint dot.

Accessory markings: Made in China Schleich S Germany © 2000 Peyo CE markings.

Second version markings – 2009 to 2015

Smurf markings: Made in China CE Schleich S Am Limes 69 D-73527 Schw. Gmund © 00 Peyo CE, with a date stamp.

Accessory markings: Made in China Schleich S Germany © 2000 Peyo CE markings.


  1. Circular Smurf logo with a dancing Smurfs pattern box.
  2. Peyo Creations with a dancing Smurfs pattern box.

Therefore should you want to add Smurf on Holidays to collection, to make your search easier I have added a link to the Toy Dreamer

Keep on Smurfin
Kath B

Log Car Super Smurf

Collecting Super Smurfs can be tricky at the best of times. Just because it was sold with a box doesn’t always mean you get the complete or the corresponding Super Smurf. Then, there is always the little differences to be found. Log Car, first released in 1983 is one of the best examples of this.

In basic terms a Super Smurf is a smurf with detachable accessories and its own cardboard box. Over the years, depending on the manufacturer or distributor, a number of boxes were also produced. In most cases, there were also minor changes made to the accessory. 

Log Car (#40232) was first made in 1983 and sold until 1999 by Schleich. It was also made by Wallace Berrie in Hong Kong and was sold in 1983 and 1984. Later in 1996 Irwin Toys released a version made out of China. This was sold for the first time on a blister card not with a cardboard box! The last version of Log Car was given away with the French magazine Je Collectionne les Schtroumpfs in 2005. 

As you see Log Car has been a long journey having been made by different manufacturers and sold by different distributors. Very little changes were made to the smurf used for Log Car over the years. This same smurf was also used by Tricycle (#40203) and Yellow Car (#20910).  The Smurf is wearing his customary white trousers and hat. On his white hat sits his racing goggles. 

Schleich version

Both the smurf and car can be found with markings – W.Germany Schleich S © 1982 Peyo. The Log Car has different wheels than the other versions.

It also has a dark brown crank with ring connection, completely dark yellow Candles (unpainted), dark brown wheels with small hole connection (without Axles) and unpainted seat.

W. Berrie version

Both the smurf and car can be found with markings – Hong Kong W. Berrie Co Schleich S © 1982 Peyo. 

The Log Car has a white crank inserted directly into the car, white candles, the wheels are attached by an axel that runs underneath the car, yellow car seat. Typically found with a darker brown log car. 

China version

Both the smurf and car can be found with markings – Made in China Schleich S Germany Schleich S © 1982 Peyo CE. The official documentation lists the markings are the same but a closer inspection of the smurfs shows they are different. 

There are at least two different versions to be found with China markings. The Irwin version can be found with a mushroom with white spots whereas the Je Collectionne les Schtroumpfs version has a red mushroom with no spots. There is also difference with how the wheels connect to the log car. 

My thoughts on Log Car

I have always like this smurf, as it is a good illustration of smurfs having fun. This smurf can be popular for kids wishing to play with their smurf toys and just as popular for those who like to collect smurfs because of the many variations to be found. 

Keep on Smurfin

Kath B

Rocking Horse Super Smurf

Like a lot of Super Smurfs produced by Schleich, the picture of the Rocking Horse, #40221 on the older boxes is a little different to the actual one released. Don’t let this discourage you from collecting this one, as this is a beautiful display piece where you can rock it gently back and forth.

This box was used by Wallace Berrie

The Rocking Horse Super Smurf was sold by Schleich between 1982 through to 1997. Between 1982 to 1995 Schleich used the same picture on their boxes showing us a picture of the Rocking Horse with a rubber-band bridle and brown rockers. It wasn’t until 1995 when Schleich updated their Super Smurf boxes that they updated their pictures.

During the years Schleich sold Rocking Horse, very little changes were made. The changes to be found are more to do with the paint colours used on the horse. The markings can be found under the horse’s belly. So it can be found with W.Germany or Germany as the country marking.

There are at least two different ones from Hong Kong. The markings can be found under the horse’s belly. In the beginning they used a rubber-band as the bridle and glued this to the horse. Later they removed the rubber-band bridle and replaced this with a yellow plastic bridle that is inserted into the horse’s mouth. Possibly copying the one produced by Schleich. Wallace Berrie only sold Rocking Horse between 1982 to 1984.

Made in Hong Kong Schleich S © 1981 Peyo markings

The biggest differences that can be found with Rocking Horse the colour of the horse and it’s tail. The same paint colour was also used for the horse’s hooves and mane. Typically the Hong Kong made one is painted with brown shiny colours and the tail is a darker brown colour. Smaller variances can also be found with the yellow plastic bridle.

However, the major difference can be found with how the smurf sits on the rocking horse. The German made ones have a stuck plug on the horse and the smurf has a hole underneath it’s bottom. The Hong Kong made ones never came with stuck plug. So if you have German made horse and Hong Kong made smurf and you are trying to ensemble together you might encounter some problems!

There are a number of Super Smurfs that the picture displayed on their box doesn’t resemble the actual one released, so if you are ever in doubt just ask the question and I will be happy to help.

Keep on Smurfin

Kath B

Hobby Horse Super Smurf

Wearing a red riding jacket and black horse riding helmet, this smurf shows us how to ride a hobby horse. What stands out for me, with this super smurf is the clever design that in corporates the smurf figurine and the stick together. 

First released by Schleich in 1980 to 1986 and then again in 1994 to 1996, with 40214 as the article number. Very little changed in the design over the years Hobby Horse was produced, though little differences can be found depending where it was painted. When Hobby Horse was first sold in the UK by National Petrol these ones were painted out of Portugal and can be found with matte colours. 

It was also produced out of Hong Kong for Wallace Berrie and possibly sold in other countries. It was sold by Wallace Berrie in the USA between 1981 to 1983. The same design was used, but shinier paint colours were used on the horse and the smurf figurine. 

The design of Hobby Horse is simple and effective. The smurf has been designed in almost a sitting like position and between it’s legs a slot has been created for the stick of the hobby horse to sit in. The arms on the smurfs are stretched out in front of him with the hands coming together to create a slot. This is for the stick to be slotted into. The end of the hobby horse stick has a removable horse tail that  is inserted into the end of the stick. This allows you to swivel the horse tail to help you to display the Hobby Horse without it falling over.

Smurfs are foremost created as toys for children to play with. The design of Hobby Horse allows this happen still today even though it has been over twenty years since it was last released.  It is also not overly complicated to construct which is also a bonus. 

For those of you, who like to display their smurfs is a great one if you have limited space as it is not much bigger than your average smurf. It can be found with up to five different super smurf boxes and is still easy to pick up today. 

Keep on Smurfin

Kath B


40202 Chimney Sweep

This weekend a cold snap of weather has been predicted in some parts of Australia. With this in mind, perhaps it is time to snuggle near open fire to keep warm. But before you do, perhaps you should look at your Chimney Sweep smurfs. 

We first see Chimney Sweep in 1980 Schleich catalogue carrying his tools – ladder and chimney brush while wearing grey pants, black jacket and a red handkerchief around his neck. Though in actual fact Chimney Sweep was first sold in the UK in December 1978.

Chimney Sweep was sold between 1978 to 1998 as described in Der Schlumpf Katalog IV and Gian & Davi Collezioni – The Smurfs Official Collector’s Guide. In both books they list four variations.

The first version we can find has the markings W.Germany Peyo ©. This © marking can also be found on Trumpeter (20047) which was released in 1974. The © marking is larger than normal, probaly best described as a capaital C in a circle. I don’t think there any any other smurfs with this marking. The Chimney Sweep has a ladder with four rungs and has a red handkerchief around his neck. His pants are also a dark grey colour. Sadly my version is missing it’s brush.

The UK version has the markings W.Germany Peyo © and a mustard paint dot. The Chimney Sweep has a ladder with four rungs and has a yellow handkerchief around his neck. 

The most common of the Chimney Sweep Smurfs has the markings W.Germany Schleich S © 78 Peyo. I also one of these with a red paint dot under the foot. Both have a red handkerchief around their necks, light grey pants and carry a ladder with seven rungs.

The last one that was released has the markings W.Germany Schleich S © 78 Peyo CE. This version can be found with smurf head logo and dancing smurfs pattern box. The Chimney Sweep has a red handkerchief around his neck, light grey pants and carries a seven rung ladder.

Chimney Sweep was never made in Hong Kong was never sold in the USA or Australia. Perhaps someone thought Australia always had sunny, hot weather and didn’t require the services of a Chimney Sweep.

Keep Smurfin

Kath B